Thursday, June 18, 2009

Baby, What Baby?

So there has been this story on the news here in Oklahoma City about an OU student that got pregnant and didn't realize it until she gave birth. The Discovery Channel has picked the story up and is doing a piece on her. I'm not sure I can buy all that. Maybe it's true, maybe there are some women that are completely oblivious to the signs and symptoms of pregnancy but at some point I find it hard to believe that there wasn't an inkling.

I can understand not having morning sickness, cravings, mood swings or even gaining a little weight; I didn't have morning sickness, the only thing that I really "craved" was raspberries but anyone that knows me knows that that is normal, and as far as weight I lost 15 lbs and now at 6 months have only gained back one or two and I don't think I've been in a better mood in all my life.
What I can't understand is how a girl of 19, the age of the girl from OU, that is sexually active doesn't notice that she hasn't had menses in 9 months. The article doesn't state whether or not she had any spotting but a late visit from "aunt flo" is enough to send more mature females into a tizzy much less a 19 year old. Even if you give her a break on that one how do you ignore when the baby kicks and is doing cartwheels. Lately it's a favorite pastime of mine lying back on the couch and watching my belly jerk and jolt from one side to another and I can't imagine being able to ignore that and not notice.

Perhaps I am giving this "kid" too hard a time. If she honestly had no idea it's a shame that she missed out on all the wonderful aspects of pregnancy. Like I said before I don't believe I've been in a better mood in my whole life. Pregnancy seems to agree with me and I couldn't be happier.


Jackie: said...

Have you seen the show on TLC called I didn't know I was pregnant? I couldn't believe it! It seems nuts to me.

Maybe she did know and was to afraid to tell so she made up a story. People have done crazier things!

You need to put another belly shot up!

Christie said...

You're right it was TLC and not Discovery Channel.