With the deployment in New York it just wasn't possible to have a horse around...until now. So without further ado meet, the "other woman" in his life, Dancer. She is a beautiful horse and comes from racing bloodlines but JR would have to fill you in on that. He bought her less than a year ago and because we live so far away he hasn't gotten to work with her very much so she's a little nervous around strangers. She seems to have good temperament and is very curious.
I'm pretty sure the biggest reason JR bought Dancer was to breed her so Baby I. will be able to grow up with her own horse. He is adamant that our daughter will LOVE horses. Growing up I liked horses and when JR and I dated I would ride with him. After high school, and he joined the Army, I would occasionally go over and ride without him but it just wasn't the same and made me miss him so I stopped riding. Not to mention that I'm allergic to them and would have to nearly OD on benadryl to keep from reacting. So needless to say I don't ride much anymore. I know that if Baby I. is allergic to he will be devastated.
JR found a farm here in Oklahoma that he can board her at and had her shipped out a couple weeks ago. He's only able to go out and visit her on the weekends because work keeps him so busy but I really don't think he minds. He's just happy she's here, and if he's happy then so am I.